How do I export a database over SSH?
Exporting a database over SSH In case exporting a database through phpMyAdmin didn't work you...
How to access phpMyAdmin in cPanel
Accessing phpMyAdmin via cPanel on Servmix phpMyAdmin is a powerful tool to manage your...
How to export a database over phpMyAdmin
Exporting a database via phpMyAdmin To export your database, you will need to open it via...
How to find MySQL database details
Checking your MySQL database details via Servmix’s cPanel You can easily locate your MySQL...
How to import a database over SSH
Importing a database via SSH at Servmix phpMyAdmin allows you to import databases up to 256 MB...
How to import a database with phpMyAdmin
Importing a database via phpMyAdmin To import your database, you will need to open it via...
Introduction to SQL at Servmix
SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases. What is SQL? SQL...